Friday the 13th....Ahhhh!
I can't ever remember having bad luck on Friday the 13th! Have you? I've never been supersticious about it or much else for that matter. Oh well! I spent my day my favorite way...beading of course!!
So today I finshed beading around a cab. Now I just have to figure out what to do with it, a necklace? a brooch? Will have to think on that one.
Here's a picture

I think it turned out pretty good so far. Trevor thinks it turned out great, he really likes it.
Well...I start my new job tomorrow. I'm really nervous, it might have something to do with the fact that I really haven't held a job since before my kids were born. My oldest is going to be 16 next month!! That's a whole other story!
I voiced (through email) to my mother in law how I was feeling & got a much need pep talk from her. Even though it was an email I could actually hear her calm caring voice. It was really nice!
I will post how my first day goes after I get home tomorrow.
It's almost midnight and if I'm going to be bright & chipper I should really go to bed. That's another thing, trying to change your habbits from sleeping in until noon and not going to bed until sometime after 2 am. This is going to be fun to get used to.
Night all,
Pam :o)
Hi Pam,
Love the cab. Ir reminds me of a faux cameo I got years ago and didn't know just what to do with it. I am inspired, Thanks for the idea. Visit my blog at
Thanks Mfanwy,
I have another one the same size & two smaller ones. I plan on making a necklace & earring set with them.
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