Friday, October 13, 2006

Friday the 13th....Ahhhh!

I can't ever remember having bad luck on Friday the 13th! Have you? I've never been supersticious about it or much else for that matter. Oh well! I spent my day my favorite way...beading of course!!

So today I finshed beading around a cab. Now I just have to figure out what to do with it, a necklace? a brooch? Will have to think on that one.
Here's a picture
I think it turned out pretty good so far. Trevor thinks it turned out great, he really likes it.

Well...I start my new job tomorrow. I'm really nervous, it might have something to do with the fact that I really haven't held a job since before my kids were born. My oldest is going to be 16 next month!! That's a whole other story!
I voiced (through email) to my mother in law how I was feeling & got a much need pep talk from her. Even though it was an email I could actually hear her calm caring voice. It was really nice!

I will post how my first day goes after I get home tomorrow.

It's almost midnight and if I'm going to be bright & chipper I should really go to bed. That's another thing, trying to change your habbits from sleeping in until noon and not going to bed until sometime after 2 am. This is going to be fun to get used to.

Night all,
Pam :o)

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Goblin Faces done!

Well I finally got all the goblin & ghoul faces done for Trevor so he can now upload the pattern at

They work up quickly but, after doing all 16 it's time to move on to something else. Not to sure what yet but something. lol!

I ended up making a pair of earrings for my oldest daughter & threw together a bracelet just to show a couple things you can do with these faces.
Here's a picture.Kinda cute eh?!

I will finally be starting my new job this Saturday! Yeah! Kinda a bit nervous though, I haven't worked much but know how to be a stay at home mom really well. ha ha!
For now it's just seasonal employment with the Future Shop at Fairview Mall but, hopefully they will like me & I will like the job enough to stay on permanently. It would really help our crappy financial situation. I hate living paycheck to paycheck but, that's what we've been doing for a long long time.
This is going to take some getting used to by everyone in the house as I won't be here all the time to do the things I usually do. Like be the only one to cook dinner or do the dishes or feed & water the dog & cats. This is going to be FUN FUN FUN! :o)


I made a pair of earrings from the two mother of pearl discs that I got from Olivia's Box of Dreams. I added pink Swarovski's & fresh water pearls, on sterling silver head pins & ear wires. I think they are pretty. Do you like them? --------------------------------------------------------------------
It's been really cold here today too! We are supposed to get SNOW! YUCK! I like the fall but only like snow on Christmas Eve through to New Years Day. After that it can go away for another year.

Well that all for now!
Pam :o)

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Seems everyone is blogging these days, so I thought I'd give it a try.

Here you will find what I have been up to lately in the beady area of my life.

Today, I have been finishing up some goblin & ghoul faces for my sweetie. He (Trevor) designed them & I get to bead them. Once they are all finished I will post a picture.

Just before I started the faces I finished a free form peyote bracelet in greens. I purchased this mix of beads on the way to the cottage this summer. I also met Murida from my Yahoo beady lists. It
was great to put a name to a face & I got to browse her bead shop.

Here's a picture of the bracelet that I named Canadian Pine after the name of the bead mix.
Whadaya think?

As well on the Canadian beaders swap Yahoo group, we have this neat box called "Olivia's Box of Dreams" that is being mailed to each participant. You never know when it will come or what's inside, although it's pretty much all beady things. I was the first to receive the box & now have some new goodies added to my bead stash!

Here's a picture of the items I removed from the box.

I also placed items from my stash into the box of equal or greater value. Olivia is now on her next journey to another participant in Canada. In the box was a journal in which we could write or draw or whatever just so long as we did & our name was somewhere with the journal entry. It was great fun to receive the box & go through & pick out some new pretties. I like what I got! :o) Thanks for starting this up Sharon!!

Well I best get back to beading the goblin & ghoul faces...Trevor wants to publish them at He designs there too as Redbeast Designs & I'm there as Looner Creations.

Have a great day even if it is as dismal out your window as it is mine.

Pam :o)